sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2007

Afetando o desempenho dos CEOs

Achei interessante este estudo, enviado por meu sobrinho, que mostra o que ocorre com a rentabilidade das empresas dinamarquesas quando da morte de parentes do CEO.
Morte de filho reduz em 21.4%, da esposa 14.7%. Da sogra aumenta a rentabilidade da empresa em 7% ! No mínimo controverso. Reproduzo o resumo abaixo.

Scholars Link Success of Firms To Lives of CEOs

Should shareholders in a company care if the chief executive's child dies? What if the mother-in-law passes away?
Such things don't normally figure in investment decisions. But maybe they should, according to a recent study by three finance professors. Mining a trove of Danish government data on thousands of businesses, they were able to track links between CEO-family deaths and the companies' profitability over a decade.
It slid by about one-fifth, on average, in the two years after the death of a CEO's child, and by about 15% after the death of a spouse. As for an executive's mother-in-law, the old jokes seem to hold: The researchers found that profitability, on average, rose slightly after her demise.
The study is part of an emerging -- and controversial -- area of financial research that delves into the lives and personalities of executives in search of links to stock prices and corporate performance. The trend is an outgrowth of the tendency to lionize CEOs as critical to the businesses they lead. If their performance is so vital, the researchers say, investors should want to know anything that could affect it.

O original do artigo encontra-se no link:

Jackson Tong
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Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Isso quer dizer que se matarmos todas as sogras, o PIB sobe em 7% !